Lauren + Josh’s Wedding at Manchester Hall
Lauren and Josh got married yesterday in an intimate ceremony with their closest family and friends at Manchester Hall. I knew this couple were fab when they emailed me after postponing their wedding from New Years Eve 2020 to the same date in 2021. “We want to get married sooner than that, regardless of restrictions,” they said. “Are you free on July 10th?” Of course I met that with a resounding hell yes.
During our preshoot I discovered several things I adore about this couple.
They’ve been together since they were sixteen. They’ve grown up together, seen hard times, celebrated the good, and they’ve got that brilliant understanding of each other.
Josh likes to make things for Lauren. On the morning of their wedding he gave her a ring dish that he’d made himself. And it was brilliant! This wasn’t the kind of ashtray made of clay at school that kids presented their parents with in the 1990s. It was such a thoughtful thing for Lauren, and you could see the love and care that had gone into it.
They harbour a not-so-secret desire to start their own farm. We totally geeked out over this dream on their preshoot back in April (it’s the randomly snowing one, if you’re going looking for it), and in his speech Josh talked about how he’d love to start a potato farm with Lauren, and one day make their own baby potatoes (aww).
They love their dogs, and had them as ringbearers for their wedding ceremony.
Travelling is their jam, and Spain in particular seems to hold a special place in their hearts. They had a mariachi band come out to surprise their guests during their first dance, and the tequila got poured in abundance.
By now you probably love these two as much as I do, so…
On to the wedding photos!