A look back at 2022 - my top 100 photos

What a cracking year that was. When I look back on 2022 I have to pinch myself. The people I worked with, the venues I went to, the beautiful parts of the country I visited - all things that make this job as a wedding photographer just totally excellent. Above all, I got to work with couples who share my vision of what makes a wedding truly special. Couples who love adventure, who defy convention and expectation, and just grab their wedding day by the balls and don’t let go.

So when it came to choosing my 100 wedding photos from the past year, I didn’t know where to begin. There are so many moments I could share with you, so I’ve gone with my gut when choosing these photos. The thing is, what I like might not be what a couple values. When we see photos of people we know we’re often looking for expressions and, mostly, happy ones. But as a photographer I’m always looking out for something that makes my eyes go ‘oooh’.


My Top 100 wedding photos


A Wildflower Wedding at Haarlem Mill


Lucy and Nicola’s Wedding At Oddfellows in Stockport