Natasha + John’s Pumping House Mini Wedding

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Natasha and John got married in September at the Pumping House in Nottinghamshire. The leaves were just beginning to burnish and the first hints of autumn were on the way, but the sun shone, and it was warm enough to mingle outdoors. They’d initially planned for a wedding in late March, but you know, ‘Rona. After a lot of soul searching, they decided. They just wanted to get married. I was drafted in as their photographer just 5 weeks before the wedding date, and I owe them a massive hell yeah for choosing me.

I find that with all 2020 weddings, the way to make the most of them has been to focus on what can be done, rather than what you’d normally expect. The many restrictions meant that Natasha and John limited their guests to just family - they can party next year! I popped over to capture just 3 hours of getting ready, getting married, and some moments afterwards. And my god, did they cram a lot of gorgeous moments in to such a short time!

Natasha and John had flowers by Peonies + Plumes, cakes from The Atrium, stationery by Wild Calligraphy


2020 - This photographer’s perspective


Shoot Day at Clapton Country Club