
Civil marriage, religious marriage, civil partnership, celebrant-led

All are valid, all have their own sets of rituals, and all are special.

Whatever your type of ceremony, I work with what is happening in front of me. Sometimes this means being stuck in a single place, and sometimes I can move about to my heart’s content. Sometimes it even means acting as a witness.

It’s about people

This is not about me. This is about you, and your closest people.

By the time you’re standing in front of your nearest and dearest I want us to have a brilliant relationship built on trust, so that either of you can feel like you have someone on your side taking these photos.

So the way I work your ceremony is based on three things:

I’m as discreet as possible

I’m a champion for your values and choices, because they’re the whole reason this is happening

You’ve invited these people here for a reason, and I will photograph them too.


The Wedding Morning

